Search by Single Character
kintone field search has limitations: it requires at least two characters for Japanese and searches only by whole words for alphabets and numbers.
For example, if you want to search for a company named “株式会社佐藤忠商事,” searching for “佐” or “商” will not yield results. You need to search for “佐藤” or “商事” to see it in the list.
For alphanumeric searches, if you want to search for “Google LLC,” searching for “Goog” or “LC” will not yield results. You need to search for “Google” or “LLC” to find it.
To conclude, this is a standard specification of kintone, and it cannot be resolved with standard features.
However, this limitation can be overcome by using a plugin.
This article introduces a plugin I developed to solve this issue.
It is open-source and free to use.
Plugin Specifications
Searchable by Single Character
In the list view using the plugin, records are cached, and a custom search function is implemented on the cached records, allowing searches by single characters.
Faster than Standard Features and Other Search Plugins
As mentioned earlier, the plugin does not use the standard search function, making it faster than both the standard feature and other plugins that speed up the search process.
Additionally, since records are cached, data retrieval is fast even for multiple searches.
You will notice that the list updates with each character you type.
Easy Migration from Existing Lists
The plugin settings include a feature to inherit settings from already registered lists.
This is convenient for temporary use during testing.